BSPHS Volume 48 Issue 1

Volume 48 Issue 1
General and Special Issue
General Editor: David A. MessengerSpecial Issue Editor: Mariana-Cecilia Velázquez and Clayton McCarl
Book Review Editor: Rachael Ball, Marta Valentin Vicente
Production Editor: Foster Chamberlin
Editorial Board Members: Miriam Shadis, Sean Perrone, Karoline Cook, Eugenia Afinoguénova, Marina Perez de Arcos, Sasha Pack
The Double Nationality of João Rodrigues Cabrilho, Portuguese-Born, Naturalized Castilian. Part I – A Much Needed Review
Paulo Manuel João Afonso - American River College
Paulo Manuel João Afonso - American River College
Death in the Indies: Basque Immigration and Memory in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Amanda Scott - Penn State
Tags: Basque Diaspora, expat communities, Immigration, Memory, Navarre, testaments, trauma, Ulysses syndrome
Amanda Scott - Penn State
Tags: Basque Diaspora, expat communities, Immigration, Memory, Navarre, testaments, trauma, Ulysses syndrome
Revisiting Why Spaniards Migrated to Spain’s Colonies of Puerto Rico and Cuba: Experiences of a Catalan Family in the 1800s
James W. Cortada - Independent Scholar
Tags: Begur immigrations, Catalan immigrations, Cortada immigrations, Immigration to Puerto Rico, Immigrations to Cuba, Spanish family immigrations, Spanish immigrations
James W. Cortada - Independent Scholar
Tags: Begur immigrations, Catalan immigrations, Cortada immigrations, Immigration to Puerto Rico, Immigrations to Cuba, Spanish family immigrations, Spanish immigrations
Special Issue: La piratería y la imprenta
Introducción: La piratería y la imprenta
Mariana-Cecilia Velázquez - University of Nevada, Reno and Clayton McCarl - University of North Florida
Mariana-Cecilia Velázquez - University of Nevada, Reno and Clayton McCarl - University of North Florida
Difamación española de Sir Francis Drake y la criminalización inglesa de la calumnia (1585-1604)
Mariana-Cecilia Velázquez - University of Nevada, Reno
Mariana-Cecilia Velázquez - University of Nevada, Reno
La piratería y los comienzos de la bibliografía americanista
Clayton McCarl - University of North Florida
Clayton McCarl - University of North Florida
Infortunios de Alonso Ramírez: un vademécum de la realidad político-económica de finales del siglo XVII
Leonor Taiano-Campoverde - Carson Newman University
Leonor Taiano-Campoverde - Carson Newman University
Book Reviews
Review of Samuel Claussen, Chivalry and Violence in Late Medieval Castile
Elizabeth A. Terry-Roisin - Florida International University
Historias Podcast
Elizabeth A. Terry-Roisin - Florida International University

Review of Ricardo Padrón, The Indies of the Setting Sun: How Early Modern Spain Mapped the Far East as the Transpacific West
Elizabeth B. Davis - The Ohio State University
Elizabeth B. Davis - The Ohio State University
Review of Robin Vose, The Index of Prohibited Books: Four Centuries of Struggle Over Word and Image for the Greater Glory of God
Jessica J. Fowler - University of Montana Western
Jessica J. Fowler - University of Montana Western
Review of Catherine Infante, The Arts of Encounter: Christians, Muslims and the Power of Images in Early Modern Spain
Héctor Linares - The Pennsylvania State University
Héctor Linares - The Pennsylvania State University
Review of Javier Moreno Luzón, El rey patriota. Alfonso XIII y la nación
Eric Storm - Leiden University, the Netherlands
Historias Podcast
Eric Storm - Leiden University, the Netherlands