Submissions are now being accepted for the current cycle of prizes:  the Association Best prize, for best first book; the Oliveira Marques Prize for the best peer-reviewed article or book chapter on Portuguese history; and the Bishko Memorial Prize for the best peer-reviewed article or book chapter on medieval Iberian history published by a North American scholar. See the Prizes & Subventions tab for more information.

Congratulations to Kirsten Schultz, who begins her term as ASPHS President, and David Messenger, our new secretary/treasurer. Thanks and abrazos to outgoing President Luis Corteguera!

Warmest thanks to Ana T. Valdez and Teresa Nunes of the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon for hosting our 53rd annual meeting in Lisbon. And congratulations to all the participants on an excellent week of presentations and discussions.

Take a look at volume 14 of the newsletter, out under the direction of Foster Chamberlin.

The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS) promotes interest in the scholarly study of Spain and Portugal through History and related disciplines. Membership is open to all interested in the scholarly study of Spain and Portugal.

Information about ASPHS and the annual conference is often posted on the Espora discussion list. To subscribe, send an email to with the following body text:  subscribe espora.

ASPHS sponsors an annual conference and publishes an annual Newsletter and journal, the Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies.

ASPHS provides small subventions for regional and local meetings or workshops in the U.S. for activities related to our mission to promote the scholarly study of Spain and Portugal through History.

ASPHS awards annual prizes: the A.H. de Oliveira Marques Prize in Portuguese History for best peer-reviewed article or book chapter; the Bishko Prize for best article on medieval Iberian history published by a North American scholar; and, on a three-year rotation, prizes for Best Dissertation, Best Early Career Article, Best First Book.

Now that the ASPHS is an official charitable organization, we encourage donations as well as membership renewal to keep the business of the Association going, including the Bulletin and the prizes.  Donations will also support the growth of a graduate student fund to be used for travel to future Conferences. Many thanks for your support!

54th Annual Conference of ASPHS
University of Maryland, College Park

Spring 2025

2023 Prize Winners

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s ASPHS prizes:

Best Dissertation: Yonatan Glazer-Eytan, “Transgressing the Sacred: The Crime and Cult of Sacrilege in the Spanish Catholic Monarchy, 1558-1632” (PhD Johns Hopkins).

The Oliveira Marques Prize in Portuguese History: Nuno Castel-Branco, “Material Piety: Science and Religious Culture in Seventeenth-Century Portugal,” Renaissance Quarterly 74 (2021): 1162–1209.

 Bishko Prize: Adam Franklin-Lyons and Marie A. Kelleher, “Framing Mediterranean Famine: Food Crisis in Fourteenth-Century Barcelona.” Speculum 97.1 (2022): 40-76.

ASPHS Member Directory

members icon

ASPHS Member Directory

The ASPHS member directory allows you to connect with other members and check the status of your membership.
Access to the member directory is restricted to ASPHS members.
Individual membership information is available only to the member.

Login to view the Directory.

The ASPHS @ 50

Produced for the 50th anniversary of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, the video features personal reflections by a representative group of its members. Most of the individual videos are in English, but a few are in Spanish or include phrases in Portuguese.

2023 ASPHS Newsletter

ASPHS cover art

2023 ASPHS Newsletter

The 2023 volume of the newsletter has been published.

Thanks to editor Foster Chamberlin.

View the issue>

2023 ASPHS Bulletin

ASPHS Bulletin masthead

Bulletin (48:1, 2023)

Thanks to General Editor David A. Messenger, Special Issue Editors Mariana-Cecilia Velázquez and Clayton McCarl, book review editors Rachael Ball and Marta Valentin Vicente, and all the contributors.

Read the issue>

Call for Prize Submissions

Call for Prize Submissions

ASPHS solicits submissions for its annual prizes: the Best Article/Dissertation/Book Prize, the Bishko Prize for medieval Iberian history, and the Oliveira Marques Prize for Portuguese history. For more information, see the Prizes & Subventions page.