Call for Papers RSA 2025
The Cervantes Society of America anticipates sponsoring up to three sessions at the
2025 Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, to be held March 20-22 in
Boston. We are interested in receiving proposals for 20-minute papers that engage with Cervantes’s works in the contexts of Renaissance culture, aesthetics, and politics. We particularly encourage proposals on commonalities and/or collaborations with other writers and thinkers of Cervantes’s time (including, but not limited to, Shakespeare), on Cervantes and the visual arts, on Cervantes and the classics, and on the representation of history in Cervantes’s works.
All panelists must be or become members in good standing of both the RSA and the
CSA to participate.
If interested, send a brief CV of two pages (PDF or Word doc), an abstract (150 words maximum), and a brief title (no more than 15 words) to Cory Reed
at no later than July 15, 2024.