BSPHS Volume 47 Issue 1
Volume 47 Issue 1
General and Special Issue
General Editor: David A. MessengerSpecial Issue Editor: Katie Harris and Pamela Radcliff with Andrea R. Davis
Book Review Editor: Rachael Ball, Marta Valentin Vicente
Production Editor: Foster Chamberlin
Editorial Board Members: Miriam Shadis, Sean Perrone, Karoline Cook, Eugenia Afinoguénova, Marina Perez de Arcos, Sasha Pack
Influence and Skulduggery: What the Vetting of Inquisition Officials in 17th-Century Spain Reveals about the Family of Catalina Clara Ramírez de Guzmán (1618-c.1685)
Karl McLaughlin - Manchester Metropolitan University
Karl McLaughlin - Manchester Metropolitan University
Liberal Protectionism in Nineteenth Century Spain: An Alternative Route to Economic Modernization
Nick Sharman - University of Nottingham
Tags: Free Trade, Nineteenth Century, Protectionism, Spain
Nick Sharman - University of Nottingham
Tags: Free Trade, Nineteenth Century, Protectionism, Spain
Special Issue: New Currents in Iberian History
Introduction: New Currents in Iberian History: Old Boundaries and New Bridges
Katie Harris - University of California, Davis and Pamela Radcliff - University of California, San Diego
Historias Podcast
Katie Harris - University of California, Davis and Pamela Radcliff - University of California, San Diego
Historias Podcast
Making Women, Masculinity, Same-Gender Desire, and the GenderQueer Visible in Medieval Iberian History
Michelle Armstrong-Partida - Emory University
Michelle Armstrong-Partida - Emory University
Peninsularity: Iberian Studies and the Mediterranean Turn
Andrew W. Devereux - University of California, San Diego
Andrew W. Devereux - University of California, San Diego
Hidden in Plain Sight: Recent Scholarship in Women’s History, Gender History, and Sexuality Studies
Allyson M. Poska - Mary Washington University
Allyson M. Poska - Mary Washington University
Recent Scholarship in Gender and Sexuality in Modern Iberian History: Reinforcing Agency, Locating Cross-Cultural Connections, and Integrating Sexualities
Jessica Davidson - James Madison University
Jessica Davidson - James Madison University
From “Normalization” to Global History: Empire and Colonialism in Modern Iberian Historiography
Andreas Stucki - University of Bern
Andreas Stucki - University of Bern
When Was(n’t) There Race in Spain: New Trends in the Study of an Old Idea in Spain’s Past, Present and Future
Joshua Goode - Claremont Graduate University
Joshua Goode - Claremont Graduate University
Book Reviews
Review of Theresa Earenfight, Catherine of Aragon: Infanta of Spain, Queen of England
Marie A. Kelleher - California State University, Long Beach
Marie A. Kelleher - California State University, Long Beach
Review of Natalia Silva Prada, Pasquines, cartas y enemigos: Cultura del lenguaje infamante en Nueva Granada y otros reinos americanos, siglos XVI y XVII
Luis Corteguera - University of Kansas
Luis Corteguera - University of Kansas
Review of Sylvia Z. Mitchell, Queen, Mother, Stateswoman: Mariana of Austria and the Government of Spain
Kristy Wilson Bowers - University of Missouri
Kristy Wilson Bowers - University of Missouri
Review of Beatriz Blasco Esquivias, Jonatan Jair López Muñoz, and Sergio Ramiro Ramírez, eds., Las mujeres y las artes. Mecenas, artistas, emprendedoras, coleccionistas
Vanessa de Cruz Medina - Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Vanessa de Cruz Medina - Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Review of Aurora G. Morcillo, (In)Visible Acts of Resistance in the Twilight of the Franco Regime: A Historical Narration
Andrea Davis - Arkansas State University
Andrea Davis - Arkansas State University
Review of Simon Kuper, The Barcelona Complex: Lionel Messi and the Making — and Unmaking — of the World’s Greatest Soccer Club
Andrew H. Lee - New York University
Andrew H. Lee - New York University