Graduate Student Essay Award

Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Pilar Sáenz Graduate Student Essay Award
Submissions Due: February 15, 2022

The winning paper carries a $500 prize and will be considered
for publication in Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment.
• Submissions may treat any aspect of Iberian or Ibero-American culture during the “long” eighteenth century, from approximately 1680 to 1830.
• Submissions may be based in any academic discipline
(literature, history, art history, anthropology, etc.).
• Submissions must be 5,000 – 6,000 words, including bibliography.
For more information, see the Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-
Century Studies website:

Postgraduate Course: Reading Texts, Reading Objects

Reading Texts, Reading Objects 3: Identity/ Authority. Studying Intercultural Contacts through Primary Sources

Postgraduate Course 2021-2022
Online (Zoom): 2, 4, 11, 16, 18, 30 Nov. 2021
18.00-20.00 CET

Organizers: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (Madrid, Spain); Interdisciplinary Platform Social & Cultural History of the Mediterranean (MEDhis,

Director: Therese Martin
Co-Director: Katarzyna Starczewska
Secretary: Verónica Abenza

This course is tailored for the needs of graduate students interested in the different types of detailed analysis of a wide range of
primary sources, both written and material. After the warm welcome received by the two previous editions of this course (CCHSCSIC,
2017 and 2018), the researchers of the Interdisciplinary Platform Social & Cultural History of the Mediterranean (MEDhis,, together with a group of national and international researchers, offer the third edition of the course. This year the theme will revolve around the issue of self-representation, understood in its
broadest sense as a strategy aimed at highlighting authority. In the written sources, literal descriptions of identity will be analyzed in order to reveal the strategies designed to establish influence over the interlocutor (reader). Special attention will be paid to religious controversy, prologues to translations, scholarly debates, and inquisitorial documents. As for the material and visual sources, objects and representations that reveal the intentionality of the promoters towards the various viewing publics will be studied.
From a detailed reading of the primary sources, the methodological tools designed to answer the following questions will be discussed: how to approach primary sources with a critical eye? How to contextualize the message they give us? What are the theoretical frameworks suitable for researching these artifacts in a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary way? How to evaluate historical “truth” of sources when written and material texts contradict each other?


Tuesday, 2 (18.00-20.00 CET)
-Amanda W. Dotseth (Meadows Museum): Telling Tales with Cross-Cultural Objects: Spanish Art in a US Collection.
-Jordi Camps (Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya): El objeto representado en la pintura mural románica: Cuestiones de identificación e interpretación de los recipientes sostenidos por la figura de María.

Thursday, 4 (18.00-20.00 CET)
– Silvia Armando (John Cabot University): Ivories and Inventories for Medieval Kings and Bishops: Seeing Authority and Identity in the Treasuries of Sicily and Southern Italy.
-Verónica Abenza (CSIC-CCHS): Los marfiles de Jaca: el diálogo artístico intercultural como fuente de autoridad de la reina Felicia de Roucy.

Thursday, 11 (18.00-20.00 CET)
-Roberta Cerone (Sapienza Università di Roma): Painted Bulls for Monks and Friars. Using the Papal Auctoritas to Strengthen One’s Identity.
-Mirko Vagnoni (Université de Fribourg): Royal Images as Markers of Authority in the Kingdom of Sicily (12th- 14th Centuries).

Tuesday, 16 (18.00-20.00 CET)
-Giulia Arcidiacono (Università di Salento): A Shining Kingdom. Mosaics as a Means of Political Propaganda in Sicily (12th-14th century). Images, Rhetoric, and Ideology.
-Davide Scotto (University of Naples L’Orientale): Christian Understandings of Muslim Identity and Qur’anic Authority. Reading Juan de Segovia’s Preface to the Trilingual Qur’an (1456).

Thursday, 18 (18.00-20.00 CET)
-Miriam Bodian (University of Texas): Interpreting Inquisitorial Defendants’ Self-Descriptions: The Factual and the Strategic.
-Mercedes García-Arenal (CSIC-CCHS): Inquisición, autoridad y polémica: el proceso de Jerónimo de Rojas, morisco de Toledo (1603).

Tuesday, 30 (18.00-20.00 CET)
-Katarzyna Starczewska (CSIC-CCHS): “Aprendí sin maestro todo lo que sé sobre esta lengua”. Discursos y estrategias para reconocer a una autoridad lingüística en el aprendizaje del árabe.
-Ryan Szpiech (University of Michigan): El lenguaje de la identidad: la conversión y otras figuras lingüísticas.

Curso livre “História de Lisboa: espaços e sociabilidades”

Curso livre “História de Lisboa: espaços e sociabilidades”

9 outubro de 2021 a 29 de janeiro de 2022
Curso em regime misto, presencial e/ou remoto

O impacte historiográfico gerado pelo colóquio internacional “Lisboa Iluminista e o seu Tempo”, realizado em 1994, inspirou a criação, sob coordenação do Professor Doutor José-Augusto França e iniciativa da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL), do primeiro curso de Estudos Olisiponenses, “Lisboa: Urbanismo e História”, cujo êxito sucessivas edições viriam a consagrar. Se o colóquio de 1994 se assumiu como motivação imediata de uma nova aposta formativa, já a sua razão profunda se escora na tradição historiográfica que, nascida com Júlio de Castilho nos finais de Oitocentos, haveria de tomar o nome de Olisipografia, mas cujos antecedentes se vislumbram já nos meados do séc. XVI, com Damião de Góis. Marco essencial na consolidação dos Estudos Olisiponenses seria protagonizado pelo Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IHA/FCSH-UNL), através da criação de cursos livres de Estudos de Lisboa e, mais recentemente, de um grupo de investigação especificamente vocacionado para este corpus temático. Assumindo heranças e precedências, mas não indiferente ao devir histórico e historiográfico, entende a iniciativa que ora se apresenta, rendendo justa homenagem ao Professor José-Augusto França, reativar os cursos de Estudos Olisiponenses dos anos 90, imprimindo-lhes, contudo, um espírito novo, insuflado pelo contributo conjugado de investigadores de gerações e formações diversificadas, cujos trabalhos permitem oferecer uma estrutura concetual apelativa e atualizada. Numa parceria entre a UAL e o IHA, favorecedora da convergência e cruzamento de experiências e tradições académicas, a presente edição é reflexo da evolução das perspetivas metodológicas, dos domínios temáticos e da produção teórica relativos à Olisipografia, bem assim da evolução da própria história da cidade de Lisboa e dos interesses e expetativas do público. Sob o título geral “História de Lisboa: espaços e sociabilidades”, integra catorze sessões, cujas matrizes de análise se estendem desde a arquitetura e o urbanismo à iconografia, sociologia, política e antropologia. O curso inicia com um primeiro núcleo de palestras, “Lisboa, cidade global”, que proporciona uma perspetiva diacrónica essencial a uma visão panorâmica da história da urbe. Um segundo núcleo, “Novos estudos sobre Lisboa”, versará aspetos inovadores, seja pelo tema, seja pelo referencial teórico adotado, do pensar e estudar a cidade. A formação será complementada por uma sessão cinematográfica sobre Lisboa e por uma visita temática orientada por um dos docentes.

Interessados na História de Lisboa; profissionais de museus e do património cultural; comunidade académica, público em geral

Oferecer um conhecimento atualizado e cientificamente sustentado da história da cidade de Lisboa.
Favorecer uma visão poliédrica da cidade, apresentando temas inovadores e abordagens recentes e pluridisciplinares.
Proporcionar a análise crítica das dinâmicas urbanas olisiponenses ao longo da História.

Funcionamento do curso:
O curso compõe-se de catorze sessões, ministradas em língua portuguesa, perfazendo um total de vinte e oito horas, complementadas por uma visita temática e por uma sessão cinematográfica.
As sessões têm a duração de duas horas, período que compreende uma componente expositiva, ministrada pelo docente/palestrante, e uma outra, de cerca de meia hora, de debate relativo ao tema da sessão, baseado nas questões apresentadas pelos participantes e moderado pelo docente/palestrante.
A assistência ao curso poderá assumir a modalidade presencial ou, alternativamente, remota, de acordo com as condições de saúde pública e com a preferência dos destinatários.
As aulas serão ministradas na sede da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Palácio dos Condes de Redondo, Rua de Santa Marta n.º 56, 1169-023 Lisboa, no Auditório II, e contarão com a participação de todos os inscritos que optem pela modalidade de assistência presencial. Os participantes que escolham o regime remoto assistirão às sessões através da plataforma ZOOM, mediante credenciais de acesso a fornecer oportunamente.
A visita temática e a sessão cinematográfica decorrerão em data a definir e estarão abertas a todos os inscritos.
Os participantes que tiverem assistido a um mínimo de 75% das sessões terão direito à obtenção de uma Certificado de Frequência.

Preços e inscrições:

Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, Opportunities for Scholars

INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY, School of Historical Studies, Opportunities for Scholars 2022-2023. The Institute is an independent private institution founded in 1930 to create a community of scholars focused on intellectual inquiry, free from teaching and other university obligations. Scholars from around the world come to the Institute to pursue their research. Candidates of any nationality may apply for a single term or a full academic year. Scholars may apply for a stipend, but those with sabbatical funding, other grants, retirement funding, or other means are also invited to apply for a non-stipendiary membership. Some short-term visitorships (for less than a full term and without stipend) are also available on an ad-hoc basis. Open to all fields of historical research, the School of Historical Studies’ principal interests is the history of western, near eastern and Asian civilizations, with particular emphasis upon Greek and Roman civilization, the history of Europe (medieval, early modern, and modern), the Islamic world, East Asian studies, art history, the history of science, and late modern history. Support is available each year for one scholar in music studies. Residence in Princeton during term time is required. The only other obligation of Members is to pursue their research. A Ph.D. (or equivalent) and substantial publications are required. Scholars can find further information in the announcement on the web at or on the School’s website, Inquiries sent by post should be addressed to the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Dr., Princeton, N.J. 08540 (Email address: Deadline: October 15, 2021.

Charles A. McDonald appointed Samuel W. and Goldye Marian Spain Postdoctoral Fellow in Jewish Studies at Rice University

Beginning in Fall 2019, Charles A. McDonald will join Rice University as the Samuel W. and Goldye Marian Spain Postdoctoral Fellow in the Program in Jewish Studies. While there, he will complete a book manuscript based on his dissertation, provisionally titled “Return to Sepharad: Jews, Spain, and Europe’s Moral Order.”

Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies

Opportunities for Scholars 2020-2021:  The Institute is an independent private institution founded in 1930 to create a community of scholars focused on intellectual inquiry, free from teaching and other university obligations.  Scholars from around the world come to the Institute to pursue their own research.  Candidates of any nationality may apply for a single term or a full academic year.  Scholars may apply for a stipend, but those with sabbatical funding, other grants, retirement funding or other means are also invited to apply for a non-stipendiary membership.  Some short-term visitorships (for less than a full term, and without stipend) are also available on an ad-hoc basis.  Open to all fields of historical research, the School of Historical Studies’ principal interests are the history of western, near eastern and Asian civilizations, with particular emphasis upon Greek and Roman civilization, the history of Europe (medieval, early modern, and modern), the Islamic world, East Asian studies, art history, the history of science, and late modern history with a special emphasis on the history of international relations.  Support is available each year for one scholar in music studies.   Residence in Princeton during term time is required.  The only other obligation of Members is to pursue their own research.  The PhD (or equivalent) and substantial publications are required.  Further information can be found in the announcement on the web at, or on the School’s web site,  Inquiries sent by post should be addressed to the Director of Member Programs, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, 1 Einstein Dr., Princeton, N.J. 08540 (Email address:  Deadline: October 15, 2019.

Purdue University Position Announcement, Head, History Department

HEAD, Department of History

We welcome applications for the position of Head of the Department of History at Purdue University at the level of tenured full professor. Field of specialization is open.

Purdue University is a leading research-intensive public university ( with a land grant mission and a strong international reputation. The College of Liberal Arts at Purdue ( includes ten academic units across the social sciences, humanities and arts. The Department of History is well-positioned at Purdue with four named chairs, 30 award-winning faculty, a robust graduate program and undergraduate History Honors program, as well as over 125 majors and minors and 156 course offerings. The department is a leader in interdisciplinary scholarship, teaching, and engagement across the College of Liberal Arts and the broader university campus with multiple faculty members serving as directors of these programs. (

The Department of History also supports and promotes the College of Liberal Arts’ innovative program for all Purdue undergraduates, Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts. Faculty in the History Department regularly teach in Cornerstone’s first-year sequence for incoming students, Transformative Texts I and II. For more information on Cornerstone, please see,

The Head of the Department of History has leadership responsibility for the entire unit, including recruiting and retaining departmental personnel, overseeing the process of promotion and tenure, allocating the budget, and representing the department to the Office of the Dean and the council of department heads. The Head regularly teaches a course in his/her field of specialization. The Head is appointed by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and reports to the Dean. The 12-month appointment begins on July 1, 2019, is initially for five years, and is renewable.

QUALIFICATIONS: an earned doctorate in history, with the area of specialization open; a distinguished scholarly record; evidence of excellent teaching; faculty experience in a program granting advanced degrees; qualifications for appointment at the rank of full professor; leadership ability, as well as prior administrative experience.

SALARY: competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications.

Interested candidates should electronically submit a letter of application indicating relevant experience and qualifications, curriculum vitae, statement of administrative philosophy, and three letters of reference to:

Professor Jennifer William
Chair of the History Head Search Committee
Questions: Please contact Kristen Hunt at

Purdue University’s Department of History is committed to advancing diversity in all areas of faculty effort, including scholarship, instruction, and engagement. Candidates should address at least one of these areas in their cover letter, indicating their past experiences, current interests or activities, and/or future goals to promote a climate that values diversity and inclusion.

We will begin reviewing applications on December 1, 2018, and will continue to accept applications until the position is filled. A background check is required for employment in this position.

Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.

Travel grant for grad students: deadline approaching!

Dr. Elka Klein Memorial Travel Grant

A cash grant of $1500 will be awarded in memory of Dr. Elka Klein to a doctoral candidate preparing to spend a month or more abroad conducting historical research towards his/her dissertation.

The grant recipient will be selected by a panel of scholars based on the relevance and potential contribution of the proposed work to the fields and concerns important to Dr. Klein, such as Sephardic culture, medieval history, gender studies, and Jewish studies.

Applicants for the grant are asked to submit the following information by e-mail to the address below:
• A c.v.
• A copy of the applicant’s dissertation proposal
• A description of the specific research to be undertaken abroad
• A working budget, including what other funds have already been secured
• A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s dissertation supervisor, addressing the applicant’s qualifications and the significance of the research s/he will be undertaking. Letters of recommendation should be printed on official stationary and scanned.

Deadline: April 9, 2018

To submit an application, or for more information, please contact Dr. Gail Labovitz,

The selected applicant will be expected to acknowledge the grant in the dissertation and in any subsequent publications that result from the research subsidized by the grant. We thank the Association for Jewish Studies for their help in fund-raising and administration to make this grant possible.

Dr. Elka Klein (1965-2005) was passionate about her vocation as a historian and a teacher. Her untimely death in the spring of 2005 was a great loss to all who knew her, whether personally or professionally. In her memory, her friends and academic colleagues in the fields of History and Jewish Studies have created this memorial to honor her dedication to and her achievements in her academic life.

Works by Dr. Elka Klein:

Jews, Christian Society and Royal Power in Medieval Barcelona (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2006)

Hebrew Deeds of Catalan Jews 1117-1316 (Barcelona, Girona: Societat Catalana d’Estudis Hebraics, 2004)

“Splitting heirs: patterns of inheritance among Barcelona’s Jews,” Jewish History 16,1 (2002), 49-71

“The widow’s portion: law, custom and marital property among medieval Catalan Jews,” Viator 31 (2000), 147-163

“Protecting the widow and the orphan: a case study from 13th century Barcelona,” Mosaic 14 (1993), 65-81

If you would like to contribute to the Dr. Elka Klein Memorial Travel Grant, so that we can continue to offer grants in future years, please send your donation to:

The Association for Jewish Studies
Center for Jewish History
15 W. 16th Street
New York, NY 10011-6301

Checks should be made out to the Association for Jewish Studies, with the words “Elka Klein memorial” in the memo line (if you do not put this somewhere on the check, it will not go to the right account!)

IAS Opportunities for Scholars, 2019-2020

INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY, School of Historical Studies, Opportunities for Scholars 2019-2020. The Institute is an independent private institution founded in 1930 to create a community of scholars focused on intellectual inquiry, free from teaching and other university obligations. Scholars from around the world come to the Institute to pursue their own research. Candidates of any nationality may apply for a single term or a full academic year. Scholars may apply for a stipend, but those with sabbatical funding, other grants, retirement funding or other means are also invited to apply for a non-stipendiary membership. Some short-term visitorships (for less than a full term, and without stipend) are also available on an ad-hoc basis. Open to all fields of historical research, the School of Historical Studies’ principal interests are the history of western, near eastern and Asian civilizations, with particular emphasis upon Greek and Roman civilization, the history of Europe (medieval, early modern, and modern), the Islamic world, East Asian studies, art history, the history of science and philosophy, modern international relations, and music studies. Residence in Princeton during term time is required. The only other obligation of Members is to pursue their own research. The Ph.D. (or equivalent) and substantial publications are required. Information and application forms may be found on the School’s web site,, or contact the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Dr., Princeton, N.J. 08540 (E-mail address: Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Visitorships, Institute for Advanced Study

INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY, School of Historical Studies, Princeton. Opportunities for Scholars 2018-2019.  The Institute is an independent private institution founded in 1930 to create a community of scholars focused on intellectual inquiry, free from teaching and other university obligations.  Scholars from around the world come to the Institute to pursue their own research.  Candidates of any nationality may apply for a single term or a full academic year.  Scholars may apply for a stipend, but those with sabbatical funding, other grants, retirement funding or other means are also invited to apply for a non-stipendiary membership.  Some short-term visitorships (for less than a full term, and without stipend) are also available on an ad-hoc basis.  Open to all fields of historical research, the School of Historical Studies’ principal interests are Greek and Roman civilization, the history of Europe (medieval, early modern, and modern), the Islamic world, East Asian studies, art history, the history of science and philosophy, modern international relations and music studies.   Residence in Princeton during term time is required.  The only other obligation of Members is to pursue their own research.  The Ph.D. (or equivalent) and substantial publications are required.  Further information can be found in the announcement on the web at, or on the School’s web site,  Inquiries sent by post should be addressed to the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Dr., Princeton, N.J. 08540 (E-mail address:  Deadline: November 1 2017.