Anian (San Francisco Hispanist Working Group)

Anian’s aim is to promote the scholarly study of Spain and Portugal in history and related disciplines by holding an annual meeting of the scholarly community. The next meeting of Anian will be held at the University of San Francisco on Saturday, September 24th, 2016.
As in previous years, the group will meet from 9:15 am to 4 pm on USF’s campus to discuss four precirculated works-in-progress focusing on various aspects of Spanish literature, history, and culture.

Breakfast, lunch, coffee, and parking passes will be provided thanks to the University of San Francisco’s College of Arts and Sciences and a Regional Meeting Grant from the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Studies.

Attendees should send an RSVP to Katrina Olds (kbolds at by Monday, September 5th so that I know to expect you. The four works-in-progress will be circulated to registered attendees during the week of September 12th.