“Solving the ‘Social Question’: Women Workers and Working-Class Families in Restoration Valencia, 1870-1900.”
“Solving the ‘Social Question’: Women Workers and Working-Class Families in Restoration Valencia, 1870-1900.”
Volume 42 Issue 2
Author(s): Julia A. Hudson-Richards
Recommended Citation:Hudson-Richards, Julia A. (2017) ““Solving the ‘Social Question’: Women Workers and Working-Class Families in Restoration Valencia, 1870-1900.”,” Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 42 : Iss. 2 , Article 4.
In Restoration Valencia, social reformers engaged in solving the so-called “social question” honed in on working women and the structure of the working class family as a way to promote a hegemonic view of bourgeois culture among the working classes. The data they produced, primarily in Valencia’s report for the Commission for Social Reform, are the most comprehensive data about women’s work lives available for late-19th-century Valencia, and helped to provide the foundation for legislation limiting women’s work, particularly the law of 13 March 1900.
Tags: Restoration, Valencia, Women, Work