Coroporis Incorrupti Inspectio: The Remains of Fernando III and the Science of Confirming Sanctity in Seventeenth Century Sevilla
Coroporis Incorrupti Inspectio: The Remains of Fernando III and the Science of Confirming Sanctity in Seventeenth Century Sevilla
Volume 42 Issue 1
Author(s): Kyle C. Lincoln
Recommended Citation:Lincoln, Kyle C. (2017) “Coroporis Incorrupti Inspectio: The Remains of Fernando III and the Science of Confirming Sanctity in Seventeenth Century Sevilla,” Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 42 : Iss. 1 , Article 5.
This paper presents and analyzes the canonization of Fernando III of León-Castile, undertaken under the aegis of popes Alexander VIII and Clement X. After being thoroughly dead for more than four centuries, King Fernando was elevated to the roll of the saints. The reasons for his canonization, the process by which he was canonized, and the means by which the papacy understood his alleged sanctity have been thoroughly understudied and require the attention of scholars in order to demonstrate those instances where scholars can draw important conclusions for early modern history.
Tags: Canonization, Canonization of Fernando III, Fernando III, Incorrupt Remains, Sainthood, Sevilla