Constructing Normativity: A Historiographical Essay on the Codification and Regulation of Gender and Sexuality in Franco’s Spain
Constructing Normativity: A Historiographical Essay on the Codification and Regulation of Gender and Sexuality in Franco’s Spain
Volume 42 Issue 2
Author(s): Ian K. Winchester
Recommended Citation:Winchester, Ian K. (2017) “Constructing Normativity: A Historiographical Essay on the Codification and Regulation of Gender and Sexuality in Franco’s Spain,” Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 42 : Iss. 2 , Article 6.
This historiographical essay traces the contours of the field of gender and sexuality during the Franco regime in Spain with a focus on the codification and regulation of normativity. The article presents definitions of normativity for men and women, provides a historical narrative of the dictatorship’s attempt to control lived realities of masculinity and femininity, analyzes how scholars have interpreted transformations in and resistance to Francoist power structures, investigates the role of sexual deviance in those processes, assesses theoretical conceptions of the regime, and examines possibilities of continued study.
Tags: Franco regime, Francoism, Gender, sexuality