Who remembers what and why in Portugal?

Who remembers what and why in Portugal?

Volume 46 Issue 1


Filipe Ribeiro De Meneses - Maynooth University

Recommended Citation:

Ribeiro De Meneses, Filipe (2021) “Who remembers what and why in Portugal?,” Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 46 : Iss. 1 , Forum 1.



The memory debate in Portugal has evolved in recent years in a way that bypasses the legacy of Salazar’s New State and focuses instead on the country’s longer colonial past, to which many Portuguese still cling as a source of national pride. This article details this shift and examines some of its consequences, not least of which is the twinning of an attack against an uncritical reading of its past with debates on racism in present-day Portuguese society.

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