BSPHS Forum: Golden Anniversaries: Sir John Elliott’s Imperial Spain and The Revolt of the Catalans after fifty years

BSPHS Forum: Golden Anniversaries: Sir John Elliott’s Imperial Spain and The Revolt of the Catalans after fifty years

Volume 38 Issue 1

Author(s): Geoffrey Parker, Xavier Gil, Antonio M. Zaldivar, Ruth MacKay, James Boyden, and Molly Warsh

Recommended Citation:

Parker, Geoffrey; Gil, Xavier; Zaldivar, Antonio M.; MacKay, Ruth; Boyden, James; and Warsh, Molly (2013) “BSPHS Forum: Golden Anniversaries: Sir John Elliott’s Imperial Spain and The Revolt of the Catalans after fifty years,” Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 38 : Iss. 1 , Article 11.



A commemorative panel at the 44th meeting of the ASPHS meeting in Albuquerque, NM in April 2013 in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Sir John Elliott’s Imperial Spain and The Revolt of the Catalans, revised here as a forum on the same topic.
