Anarchist Sociability in Spain. In times of Violence and Clandestinity

Anarchist Sociability in Spain. In times of Violence and Clandestinity
Volume 38 Issue 1
Author(s): Ángel Herrerín (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia & UNED, España)
Recommended Citation:Herrerín, Ángel (2013) “Anarchist Sociability in Spain. In times of Violence and Clandestinity,” Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 38 : Iss. 1 , Article 9.

One of the more interesting historiographical debates in Spain deals with the important presence in the country of the anarchist movement. Early in the past century, anarchist organizations in other western countries began to decline and disappear while in Spain their presence increased until it became one of the main mass movements. This article analyzes the importance of violence and repression during the early stages of anarchism in Spain, as well as the significance and the relevance that the spaces of sociability had in its consolidation and expansion. These spaces gave the group consistency and succeeded in establishing a culture removed from the conventional social norms of the times.
Tags: Anarquismo, sociabilidad, violencia